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Message from the Ministerial Search Team

Reminder of the Contract Minister search process
Contract Ministry is the only type of ministry search available for part-time positions. Any ministry position not full time is considered a contract ministry by the UUA Transitions Office for search purposes.In a Contract Ministry, the congregation and minister make agreements for ministerial service with a time-limited, potentially renewable contract. We are recommending a 3-year contract. A contract minister may be called by the congregation after a couple of years of good ministry partnership, if doing so is desirable to leadership, the minister, and the congregation.

Process Steps:The Search Team members were chosen by the Board from a congregational application. Four members were chosen, only two were able to serve. The board’s criteria for search team members were those who understand the congregation’s ministry needs and context, are trusted in the congregation, work well with others, and do not have a personal or controlling agenda.
In December, the Search Team submitted our Congregation Record (CR) to the UUA.In January, ministers who are in search were able to read our CR and apply directly to us. 

Since January, we have had 4 applicants, 3 of which have been interviewed so far. Once a careful decision has been made by the Search Team, a recommendation to hire will be made to the Governing Board.

The Board will be negotiating and finalizing a contract and then hiring the contract minister.We would like to be finished with our search by the end of April and hope to recommend a candidate for hire. When the Board has completed the hiring process, an announcement will be made to the congregation. 

Respectively submitted,
Audrey Kracke-Lambert and Cindy Lenault